Popescu Eva

Popescu Eva

  • Sex: F
  • Birth year: 2017
  • For the club: ACS Universitar Spiru Haret
  • LPIN legitimation number: 3884
  • FRNPM legitiomation number: Nu are
Whipster Cup 2024 1 Jun 2024 - 1 Jun 2024
  • 50m picioare crawl
    Time: 01:06:79
    Place: 12
  • 50m spate/backstroke
    Time: 00:57:43
    Place: 7
  • 50m picioare spate
    Time: 01:13:44
    Place: 10
  • 50m liber/freestyle
    Time: 00:54:97
    Place: 8

50m picioare crawl:

50m spate/backstroke:

50m picioare spate:

50m liber/freestyle:

50m picioare crawl
Date of result: 1 June 2024
Time; 01:06:79
50m spate/backstroke
Date of result: 1 June 2024
Time; 00:57:43
50m picioare spate
Date of result: 1 June 2024
Time; 01:13:44
50m liber/freestyle
Date of result: 1 June 2024
Time; 00:54:97