Why swimming?


Blog | 10 Nov 2018

Swimming is recommended for its sanogenetic or recreational-recreational functions. We choose swimming, among many other sports, because it seems easy, relaxing, and parents encourage us, taking into account its many positive influences.

We swim because we develop harmoniously physically and mentally!

Somatically, swimming differentially processes all muscle groups. The reduced demand on the osteoarticular apparatus contributes to the improvement of the muscular activity and ensures the acceleration of the growth during the childhood.

Functionally, aquatic activity increases immunity to diseases and over time determines the development of a typical heart. Bradycardic and hypertrophied, she responds consensually to aerobic efforts, favorable to longevity. Also, by the voluntary influence on the respiratory rhythm, by the development of the inspiratory muscles and the increase of the consumption of O2, the swimming favors the nutritional exchanges between blood, heart and tissues, with beneficial respiratory and circulatory effects.

From a psychic point of view, the valences of this sport are well known. During the periods of growth and development, its influences are stabilizing, swimming having a formative character. It may also have a therapeutic character, being frequently recommended in stress prophylaxis.

We do performance swimming because this sport "gives life to the days"!

We love swimming, a sport so spectacular, with its many Olympic events and so many idols among the competitors of world or national class. Being inspired by these models and having the support of the family permanently, we start on the hard road, but integral to the performance.

Practically organized and rigorous, swimming introduces order on a busy or chaotic day. For example, at puberty, the cadences are tumultuous and mature heterochronic. Puberty or nubility is characterized by rapid changes and explosive increases in weight and height, which implies behavioral instability, changing attitudes, passing from one state to another: from decision to disagreement, from boldness to shyness, from interest in a particular activity to total indifference. During this period of life, swimming promotes social contacts and cohesion in the sports team, bringing essential values: respect for self and others, will, motivation for effort, for movement in general. Swimming offers athletes during the vegetative storms the opportunity to reduce their fluctuating tensions and introspections. Now, success builds their confidence in their own strengths, and through sports, they learn to value victory, but also to understand defeat ... a positive thing for a lifetime!

Swimming thus becomes a true support of the psychic life, which gradually develops an "ecological consciousness", a strong Self, a psychological mechanism favorable to socially balanced integration.