Gold Minute Technique! Try and it will change your life!


Blog | 22 Apr 2019

Have you ever wondered how many thoughts go through your mind every day and how do these affect your affective disposition, daily performance and quality of relationships, on a social level? "Pretty much" or "Depends on the situation" are the elusive responses that come to you now, spontaneously, which denotes that you didn't pay too much attention to this topic. Researchers have found that our brain processes between 60,000 and 100,000 thoughts daily. So far nothing special. Only statistical data that can improve your general culture, but not the quality of life.


Our brain functions as a device that, throughout our entire existence, stores, processes and delivers information, depending on the needs and life experiences we go through. He works constantly, for or against us, becoming the strongest ally, on the road to success or the most feared saboteur. Its efficiency is closely linked to the quality of the informational content we offer for processing. What we think influences our quality of life.


It is said that the most important resource of life is time, because it is distributed to people equally, but not used equally. Many people choose to let time go by, without building something in their favor, under the pretext of "It's tomorrow tomorrow", "Today I don't want anything" or "All in their time", and time begins to work in at the expense of our dreams. Time goes by anyway, regardless of our affective needs, expectations, disappointments, aspirations or the emotional disposition of each of us. It is a physical constant that marks our life, from the beginning, to the end and that is precisely why we cannot put it in stand-by depending on our disposition at the moment.


What is your first thought when the alarm sounds for you to wake up? "Off ... no!", "Another 5 minutes", "Today I do not go to training", "I have no desire for anything", "God, what would I sleep!". As you program your mind, so will your day. If you start with regrets and deferrals, you will mobilize hard, you will not notice the positive aspects of each experience, you will have unrealistic expectations regarding the day and you will end your day tired and without satisfaction.


Let the alarm do its job - it is only you who set the time to wake up, activate yourself, plan your daily activities and enjoy them: it is your time that you must learn to know how to do it. eat. You begin to think that today is a day when you can train to become better, that you are healthy and that you can support the training as you have proposed, that you are surrounded by people you work with for common ideals, like each other. Day is a chance that you use (or not) on the way to achieving your goals.
You want to become the object of a resounding transfer, to a top team, to play with the best, to be appreciated and paid at the level of the best athletes on the planet, then think of them, train them and enjoy them- you live like them. And they started from the bottom, but they had ideals and they put all their energy into achieving them.


Have you ever wondered why you think something you don't want? Why, during a match or competition, do you have negative thoughts about failure, failure, abandonment, refusal or shame? Would you like to chase them away and you don't know how? Is simple!
Daily you consume your energy and waste your time loading your mind with unnecessary things that sabotage the proper functioning of your own mind.

Here are some examples of thoughts or situations in which your mind is uselessly loaded: “What a horrible car! Who would give the money to it? "," How did this dress! It looks awful! "," Who with whom did you argue? "Or were you somehow surprised by scrolling down Facebook, without any personal goal, just to see who else did, what vacations he travels, what car and - did he take over, whether he changed his job or not, if he got married or ended a relationship? Does this information really help you? Think about where you will go on vacation, how to change your car - if you want it, how you are better at work or how to optimize your income and how to take care of your own relationship. And the counting of thoughts begins, from the first thought, to the last thought of the day. Between 60,000 and 100,000 thoughts a day, most of them not being oriented to their own desires or needs. When you think about who would give the money on a car, which you certainly would not buy, you orientate your thoughts towards others, consuming your time and energy, unnecessarily. Yes exactly! You start a thought and you get to create a scenario, where at one point you wonder what you're looking for? And you have only 1,440 minutes a day, enough time to organize your life, if you knew how to make the most of those minutes.
Each time you are deceived by a thought oriented in favor of others, you waste your time and chance to get from life what you want.


In the context where you have not succeeded so far in achieving what you wanted, it would be the right time to change the way you approach life. You start by using your mind, focusing your energy and consuming time in your favor. Choose ONE MINUTE, out of the 1,440 available during a day, in which, regardless of the context in which you find yourself, to create the scenario of your own success; think about what you have to do on that day, what is the motivation for engaging in an activity, what do you want from life, what can you change, what would you like to achieve at the end of the day and where do you want to get to? , on the map of life. Ignore unnecessary thoughts, organize your mind, detach yourself from envy, prejudice or critical judgment toward others and enjoy what you can achieve, through your own resources! Repeat the procedure daily and again, and again, and then you will see how things that once seemed to you to turn into experiences favorable to your wishes and needs.

If you believe me, give it a try! It will change your life!

Sports psychologist Andreas Hniatiuc